used up

Tarkoititko: usein

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


englanti (en-past of)
worn out|Worn out; depleted; exhausted; having nothing left; useless, due to the expenditure of all resources.

''That used up old man is no good in a fight.

2001. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: North America. Garland Publishing. Ellen Koskoff (Ed.). Pg. 304.
1840, A chant opposing then-presidential candidate Martin Van Buren: "And with them we'll beat Van, Van, Van/Van is a used up man".


used up rimmaa näiden kanssa:

make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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